Suffering through a leg injury can have a number of different impacts on your life. Along with losing out on your general income, there are many other types of financial impacts you can go through. If you're a part of a roller derby league, then a car accident leg injury can prevent you from playing in the league for multiple months at a time. If this is the case, then a personal injury lawyer, such as Charlie Tucker P.A., can be hired to represent your case and seek a settlement from the liable party involved in the car accident. As the settlement case is built, there are four financial impacts directly related to your involvement in roller derby leagues. Breaking down these impacts can help increase the compensation you receive for a settlement case.
Roller Derby Income
When an injury impacts your income, it's important to consider all aspects of the income you earn. As a roller derby player, you may have earned income from a variety of events and tournaments. Some of the larger leagues may pay salaries for players where other types of income is awarded through tournament prizes. By showcasing your average weekly or monthly income amounts, you can receive compensation through a settlement case. This income can be determined based on the number of months that you are missing. Along with the steady flow of extra income, it's also important to consider the income you're missing out on due to special events. For example, there may have been an annual roller derby event that you participated in each year. If your injury prevents you from missing this tournament, then you may miss out on a big payday.
Along with the income you miss out on, your car accident injury may result in the loss of sponsorships. Roller skate companies and other sponsors may have paid general money, travel costs, or equipment costs associated with roller derby. As you suffer through an injury, a sponsor may end their partnership or suspend you from the account. An attorney can help you determine the full value of your losses in a case like this. What may seem like small things can quickly add up to large expenses. As your injury heals and you return to the world of roller derby, you may have to pay for the extra costs that your sponsor once paid. An attorney can compile an estimated list of these costs as they move forward with your settlement case.
Physical Therapy
Playing roller derby requires an intense amount of fitness, strength, and stamina. When healing through an injury, your physical condition may deteriorate. To help you get back in shape for the roller derby, you may have to go through multiple physical therapy sessions. Not only will these sessions help you use your leg again, but it can also help build the core strength within your body. If your insurance doesn't cover the costs of extra physical therapy sessions, then you can add them to a settlement case. By receiving compensation for the costs, you can get back into roller derby shape without paying out of your own pocket.
Adaptive Equipment
Some leg injuries may cause permanent changes in the way you move and are able to play roller derby games. To help you adapt to the different conditions, you may need to purchase special pieces of equipment. This type of equipment can help with your movements and flexibility while not putting too much pressure on the legs. A leg brace or a knee brace can be purchased and worn while playing. A lawyer can use receipts and cost estimates to help you get compensation for the various pieces of equipment.
In the end, you can help transition back into the world of roller derby and receive the compensation that you deserve.